Knowing More About Jazz Music You Should Know

Knowing More About Jazz Music You Should Know

Knowing More About Jazz Music You Should Know. Jazz is one of the most distinctive genres of music. Jazz is such an interesting genre. It can enjoyed by listening to the jazz track or watching jazz performance. Jazz itself is not a new genre in music. It has been existed for hundreds years ago. It is originated in America. However, it is not American who started it. It was black people who at the tie worked as slaves. They made up songs to pass time. They used music to express themselves in the middle of slavery. They also used it as a connection to their homeland in Africa. At the time, the name of the music was not jazz. However, the way they played and sang the music was truly special.

Jazz Music History

Knowing More About Jazz Music You Should Know
Jazz Music History

The music was then called jazz in early 1900s by American black people. It started to be called jazz in New Orleans, Louisiana. It is said that this place is considered as the birthplace of jazz music itself. Even when the slavery had ended in 1865, African American still didn’t get the same rights as white Americans. However, jazz and kiu kiu online are the thing that both liked to enjoy. Jazz music started tog row its popularity around 1920s. it got influences as well from Africa and Europe.

Jazz Has All Elements To Be Considered As Enjoyable Music, Which Is Melody

Knowing More About Jazz Music You Should Know
Jazz Has All Elements

It is what makes the music more memorable and catches the ears instantly. Then, jazz also has harmony. It is the notes that makes the melody completed and full soundly. Jazz also has rhythm, which is defined as the song’s heartbeat. Then, jazz has another important elements that makes it more interesting, improvisation. One of the most noticeable characteristic of jazz is the improvisation. It is where the performer can freely improvise their performance on the spot without discussing anything in advance with other band mates.

Jazz Is Like The Definition Of Freedom In Music

Knowing More About Jazz Music You Should Know
Jazz Is Like The Definition Of Freedom

It is also considered as soulful genre of music. Jazz is often used as a medium to convey emotion and express feelings. Jazz is where performers can be as creative as they want without having to look as sheet music. Jazz music also less focuses on technical stuffs like classical does. Performers of jazz music can focus more on their own creative imagination of the music they created.

In Jazz, They Still Have Recognizable Melodies Just Like In Other Genres

However, it is just small part of it. A jazz song starts with a melody. However, musician can then take their turns to improvise in their own way. A musician can play crazy notes, be it low, high, short, long, clear, or gravelly. This is one of the most unique parts of jazz music. Jazz music performance can be solo or in group. Another interesting part of jazz music is how there are no rhythmic surprises or syncopation. However, the jazz musicians often do a ‘swing note’, where they change notes;s length, making them shorter or longer.