The Appeal And Characteristics Of Reggae Music You Should Know
The Appeal And Characteristics Of Reggae Music You Should Know. Reggae is such an interesting genre of music. It was developed in Jamaica. The root was from there. It is said they the genre was created by the descendants of African who were brought by English to Jamaica for slavery. They originally came from different background and musical knowledge. However, they united their own music styles and borrow some of the elements from Western music. And that was when reggae music was born. There is no exact date of when it was born. However, many agree that it was created around mid 60s to early 70s.
The Appeal About Reggae Is That It Is More Than A Genre Of Music
It has great impact to individuals, groups, communities, societies, and many artists as well. Reggae music is so appealing even only from the sound of the instruments themselves. There are also musical characteristics of reggae that make people love it even more. Here are some points of it:
Reggae Music Has Distinctive Rhythmic Style
It is relaxed, off-beat, and slower than any other genres such as pop, jazz, or rock. In reggae music, some common musical instruments are also found. However, each instrument is played in particular ways producing reggae music sounds and styles. In reggae, you can also hear bass guitar. It is played in tandem with the drums since it provides the rhythm. In many reggae songs, the bass is played in simple riffs. However, they are often more pronounces and thicker.
When It Comes To The Characteristic Of Drum Play In Reggae Music, It Is Also Very Distinctive
It has its own color. Standard drum kit is used in many reggae songs. However, it is played in particular style. It is played in higher pitch. In a glimpse, it may sound like timbales due to the tuning. Cross-stick technique is also often used by reggae drummers. The drum pattern in reggae music usually follows the third beat in 4/4 time format. Other elements to be included such as clave, bongos, shakers, and cowbells. The Appeal And Characteristics Of Reggae Music.
There is also guitar part which makes Reggae Music Much More Interesting To Listen To
The guitar is usually played off-beat of the rhythm. The particular style in playing guitar in reggae music almost resembles a percussion instrument. Double chop on the offbeats are often played, followed by 8th beats on the up strokes. Other instruments played in reggae music include piano or keyboards, and horns.
When it comes to vocal characteristic in reggae music, it has also very distinguishable style.
Basically, any song can be sung in reggae style. However, reggae is most common to be sung in Jamaican English, Jamaican Patios, and Lyaric dialects. It is rare in reggae music to use vibrato. Instead, many reggae singers use tremolo or volume oscillation. Another unique characteristic of reggae music is the lyrics. The theme of the lyrics can be varied from peace, love, unity, social issues, etc. Social criticism is often found in reggae lyrics. However, you can also find many reggae songs with lighter or playful lyrics.